Are training courses the complete answer to improving survival in emergencies?

Attending a training course is only part of the package of trying to improve survival from emergencies.  Other elements include equipment, policy and crucially simulated scenarios. It is these scenarios that ‘test’ an organisations response to emergencies. When delivered by experts in simulation, who can give good structured debriefing & [...]

2018-01-18T15:56:54+00:00May 9th, 2014|

Lack of lifesaving knowledge and skills amongst parents…

Over 47% of new mothers are not made aware within 24 hours of giving birth of how to spot dangerous conditions that could kill them or their baby. Only 24% of respondents could remember receiving information about warning signs. These are the daunting statistics published today in the Guardian following [...]

2018-01-18T15:56:55+00:00April 8th, 2014|

Why lifesaving AED’s should not be kept in locked cabinets…

Can you imagine trying to save a drowning victim in a river by running to the nearest life saving equipment to find it is in a locked cabinet, where you have to call 999 and ask for a code to open it?  By the time you had been connected to [...]

2018-01-18T15:56:55+00:00April 3rd, 2014|

Make a lifesaving new years resolution…

The BBC have recently published an article where politicians are yet again calling for more AED’s to be placed in leisure centres and schools (  The statistics from this article are quite daunting when you consider what life saving equipment is available in our public buildings; Only 1 in 5 [...]

2018-01-18T15:56:55+00:00December 29th, 2013|

Fraudulent or Inadequate CPR Training Becoming a Concern

Published on the EHS Today website (Environment, Health and Safety) website today is an interesting view on the rapidly changing availability of different methods of receiving first aid and CPR training. The article questions the validity of online training courses that offer certificated practical skills training whilst not actually getting [...]

2018-01-18T15:56:56+00:00October 11th, 2013|

Cardiac arrest survival triples after Denmark’s CPR push

Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) today is the news that Denmark has achieved an excellent increase in survival rates from patients suffering sudden cardiac arrest.  Since 2005 Denmark have initiated simple programmes to improve public awareness and knowledge of how & when to perform Cardiopulmonary [...]

2018-01-18T15:56:56+00:00October 11th, 2013|
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