TRAINING ROOM (Space required – minimum)

Each course has the minimum space required to run the course listed. The room must be large enough for the students to sit in a horseshoe shape. Each candidate should have enough space on the floor in front of them to practice on a specific training equipment (ie a resuscitation training manikin) and perform practical procedures on the floor (ie resuscitation). A room that is not large enough will hinder the quality of training that your staff receives and might result in the training being cancelled on the day of training*. We kindly ask that training room should be made available to the instructor at least 30 minutes prior to the training session commencing.

NB Please note that whilst the above is a guide and we are very flexible, we reserve the right to cancel training if the training room is not suitable or safe for training. Please note that if the trainer has to cancel training for this reason on the day, the full cost of the training will still be invoiced. If you are unsure as toth e suitability of a room – please discuss this with us at the point of booking.


We will deliver training up to the number stated for each course. These numbers represent the recommended instructor : student ratios. If you do wish to exceed these numbers please discuss this with a member of the training team prior to booking as exceeding the maximum number noted on the course will affect the quality of training that your staff will individually receive and might result in certain topics being removed from the course due to time constraints with large group numbers. Extra candidates will be charged at an individual cost rate.


It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that candidates are free from any condition which would affect their capability to undertake the training. Safety notices are given at the start of courses and it is the candidates responsibility to ensure they inform the instructor immediately. Individuals with temporary or permanent disabilities to perform the practical training may still complete the course. However, they are reminded of their professional and employee contractual responsibilities to identify any health issues to their employer (or occupational health department) that may hinder them from being able to undertake their clinical duties at work and place patients at risk.


The course duration stated is our recommended minimum time for each course. Course programmes are designed around these recommended durations. Should you wish for the course to be increased/decreased in duration, please discuss this when booking. Please note this could result in certain topics being removed from the course due to time constraints.

Candidates are required to arrive ready to commence training at the stated course start time. Arrival after this time will affect the quality of training delivered to all staff attending the course due to the course having to ‘restart’. This could result in certain topics being removed from the course due to time constraints. We advice organisations to request staff arrive 15 minutes prior to the stated start time to avoid these circumstances. Candidates arriving late may be turned away from the training (we generally give an allowance of 10% of total course time for alter attendees due to unexpected circumstances)


RAMC Ltd will provide all training equipment unless agreed by prior arrangement. It is useful, although not essential, for each training room to have a flip chart or whiteboard and access to a computer and projector.


A parking space will be needed for each instructor delivering training at the venue. Ideally this space should allow ease of access to the training room as most training equipment is heavy and bulky.

NB RAMC reserve the right to charge the customer (at cost) for parking and toll fees (including congestion charge)


All costs include travel time, travel cost and subsistence costs within a 75 mile range of our base. NB RAMC reserve the right to charge the customer (at cost) for costs outside of this range. Please call for details.


Discounts are available under specific circumstances.   These circumstances include (but are not limited to):

  • Bulk purchasing of courses
  • Joint purchasing of equipment & training
  • Long term training contracts / service level agreements

Please liaise with a member of our training team for further details. Discounts are offered if the invoice is settled on time and payment received in our account within 30 days of the pro forma invoice or invoice date. After this 30 day period the full invoice amount will be due. This discount offer must be applied prior to payment (RAMC Ltd will not retrospectively apply the discount after payment has been made via refund or credit note). RAMC Ltd reserve the right to remove offers of discount at any time unless a formal service level agreement is in place.


Payment should be received within 30 days of invoice (unless a different payment period has been agreed with RAMC Ltd in writing). After this period RAMC Ltd reserve the right to charge 10% per month on all outstanding payments.

Cheques should be made payable to: RAMC Ltd


Our cancellation policy is as follows:

Standard cancellation of Course Charges

> 28 days

No charge

21 – 28 days

25% charge

14 – 21 days

50% charge

7 – 14 days

75% charge

< 7 days

100% charge

*Please note for Certain advanced courses such as A&R, Venepuncture, Phlebotomy and Cannulation, IM Injection, Catheterisation, ECG Workshops and RCUK ILS and pILS courses the cancellation policy is amended as follows

Cancellation charges of advanced courses and ILS/pILS Courses

> 42 days

No charge

35 – 42 days

25% charge

28 – 35 days

50% charge

21 – 28 days

75% charge

< 21 days

100% charge